Monday, July 29, 2013

Chidambaram Diagnosed of #BFITM !!!

To  put one foot into your mouth itself is a difficult task  but i just witnessed a pair of feet shoved into his mouth......Truly magical.....

So we have already  heard about the new mental illness plaguing our politicians called FITM (Foot In The Mouth) Disorder....but we are sorry to inform you that .....the disease has already assumed alarming proportions and evolved  a new strand called BFITM.-Both Feet In The Mouth Disorder......

This is  a variation of FITM disorder where a person develops overconfidence alongside the core illness....Sadly so Mr Chidambaram is the first one to be diagnosed of BFITM...when he announced

 " Ours is an industry Friendly Government and you will see that we are even more friendly when we return in 2014."

Early signs of BFITM
  • Patient makes tall claims which sound absolutely impossible to achieve.
  • Patient thinks that he is fooling the society but will be able to get away from it.
  • Patients develops a unique art of concealing the truth.
***If any of you find such a person in your viccinity kindly report it to Phone number 000 such people need immediate medical care and can only be completely cured by the power of your right to  vote. So please go out and exercise your right to vote and cure our society suffering from this illness.

Note: ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST for  a better tommorrow.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hi  Guys

This is some awesome stuff we found on a website .....My  friend  Tushar Tere has added his spin on  to this article on  evolution of NEWS channels.........Interesting read please read below or visit his FB page by clicking the link below and feel free to express your views.

As kids, we understood that movies were enjoyment that we wanted more and more of while the news was tiresome and inconsequential, something that, we would have avoided completely had we had a choice. That’s the way it was, movies were made for entertainment and for producers to reap huge profits. DD News was run by the arm of our government to inform and profit wasn’t the objective.

Thirty years later we have a surfeit of news channels, no pressure from the government to censor themselves, relatively bigger budgets and a bigger team. You would think this would work towards its advantage. But strangely enough they have adopted the formula of the Amitabh Bachchan film i.e. the good guy versus the bad guy, they even have background music for news stories, jump cuts and double/triple takes. No longer is the news during primetime a place where information is imparted or any deep investigative reporting indulged in.

What we have now is a host who is more like a circus ringmaster, we have a “burning issue”, we have people from either side of the political spectrum of the issue and then the quarrel begins. There are times when the host himself or herself has leanings or interests about the issue and populates his panel according to what he wants the outcome to appear. What happens after that is that our television screen gets divided into sections.

And then it all begins – talking, cross-talking, yelling, unsubstantiated allegations, innuendoes, personal attacks, name-calling, hate-mongering, and on some rare occasions when something sensible is said, the rest of the panelists will make sure that this imparter of sense is shouted into submission.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is Govt. going to impose....TRUTH TAX !!!

Eureka......! I found it ...i  found it .......And i never realized that getting screwed was so easy. All it takes for you is to take that one step ..... just  open your mouth and say the truth ( especially about our socio political scenario) and some political party will come knocking at your door step....
Congress workers continue to target Aditi Pure Veg restaurant in Mumbai

"As per UPA government, eating money (2G, Coal, CWG scam) is a necessity and eating food in an AC restaurant is a luxury."

Yes these are the exact words printed on Aditi Restaurants Bill and the restaurant was forced  to shut down it’s operations by the congress  youth .......Halo What happened to freedom of expression????.....and Well  in this case the restaurant was just quoting from the list of scams UPA has been involved in so where was the is all in public records to verify if you wish to.!!!
Coming back to the Aditi restaurant incident or i would better call it as the case of speaking the truth.....So does that mean that we can’t speak the truth anymore...????
Well government can’t really ban that (not directly atleast) because the guys who create such statements are   like free meal passes for the so called Nationalist what is the other thing then???? Well i found it ! I found it! It’s a eureka moment again.......
This is I  think it is a very calculated plan to impose truth tax by the government...I must say it is a brilliant scheme this will not only curb the people from saying the truth but if they do.....Goverment will make a quick buck out of it...... Afterall govt has  already raised concerns  about the rising current account they have to find some way to fill the national treasury again and the new truth tax can be the their saviour.....What a masterstroke “ Saap bhi nahin maraa aur lathi bhin nahin tuti “ but government ko saraa credit mil jaayega.........

Jai Ho...... Jai Ho.......

Bolo politics baba ki jaiii !!!! 

Truth tax amar rahe...!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Dear Government

So the ADHAARCARD  enrollment guy came knocking at my door seems that you have been very keen to enrol the 1.2 billion odd Indians under the ADHAARCARD  scheme.....but it is equally apparent that people are not as keen to get enrolled as you thought they might be. Well the reasons are one to many but i think that people are not paying much heed to it because it is not positioned rightly.......You just rename it as the UDHAARCARD and see the difference.....

I mean people are always interested in what is of concern to them and currently ...UDHAAR seems to be on their mind.....  Let me explain how?  See it for yourself Petrol prices have appreciated more than 10 times in last year, We have celebrated the occasion of  Rupee making into the senior citizen club...The veggie prices seem to be testing its vertical limits while some fruit prices seem to be fit enough to get listed on the  Bombay stock exchange .........

In last year the basic commodity prices have almost doubled and so has my  expenditure but my income has remained same . Sir  I would also  like to bring to your attention that we have filled your coffers in name of income tax, sales tax, value added tax, service tax, wealth tax, property tax, Local body tax.........(and many other taxes which i don’t even know why i am charged) .....

 Now  I say it is  about  time to return the favour sir ...... Give it back to the society ..........I know you have been busy in making public welfare policies in name of Food security bill, FDI (to organize niche ways to  plunder from us).........but sir really the need of the hour is UDHAARCARD..........not ADHAARCARD....... 

All we need to do is rename the ADHAAR CARD as UDHAARCARD ..... under UDHAARCARD ....citizens of India will get credit and we will never have to return  the money  to you......we can even toe the tag line “ UDHAR LE JAAO AUR FIR BHOOL JAAO”  sir for the past 63 years i have been trying to voice my opinion but you have never really listened.......just give me this one chance and  you will see it for yourself how people queue outside your offices to get enrolled..........needless to say your babus will find out ways in how to jump queues and squeeze people like me to make an extra buck  but sir it will be for a symbiotic would have succeded in implementing your ADHAARCARD enrolment and i will atleast have the satisfaction that voice was atleast heard after 63 years.

I know my next line is a mere formality and my letter will fall on deaf ears let alone  look at it as a proposal under consideration but i have been taught in school that you always end the letter saying......” Kindly look into the matter and do the needful at the earliest ”

Yours Faithfully

Monday, July 15, 2013

Android Ban in India.......!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes  Mr  Kapil Sibal recommends Android ban in India  .......because he thinks it is ruining the lives of kids.....Mr Sibal when did you start thinking about the kids in our country..... I mean really...when????? .I just think making outrageous statements is   an extension of  Mr Sibal's  persona.........

Yaa i know someone would think he was just kidding !!!!!!yaa that's right Mr Sibal is always kiddin .....he is the same guy who wants to advocate regulating the finally all the voices you hear on the internet are a mouth piece regulated by a bunch of people.........I am sure he was kiddin then also.........for had he been serious he would not have made such  statements in first place.....

Mr Sibal with  due respect to your illustirous political career and so called contributions to Bharat Nirman!!!! you will be doing a service to our nation if you keep your mouth shut.......but ofcourse how can that happen you have that urge to speak ........not because you want to but because you have to............So how about putting a ban on your talks..............

OOPS I just did a Sibal!!!!!!!!

kALidAsa_raghuvamsaM by Anil Kumar Challa

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rupee @60 Petrol heading for a Century....

Ooops..... I(Goverment ) did it again!!!!!!!
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
I am not that innocent!!!

So the Petrol prices will rise for the Nth time in the last couple of years.........this time the hike is 1.55 Rs....... and the spiral effect will raise all the other prices in the economic system......and yet again the goverment will walk away from the collateral damage......

I remember good old days when i was in my 10th class and THE petrol used to cost a humble 32 Rs/litre.....and today it has scaled the heights of  Rs 77.73/Litre Petrol is constantly north bound and breaching new grounds ....almost every fortnight......and our goverment is also having its usual more than fare share in the price.....with the international market and our goverment policies doing the jugalbandi i see this partnership going long way.....and i soon expect Petrol to score a century......Yes in paying that forbidden price my pockets will run dry but this time i have made up my mind to have some fun and make money out of this misery......

It is a matter of time before Petrol scores a ton the question is when.... So  I am going to officially invite bids to bet on when will Petrol become a centurion ......Going by the analogy that house always wins i will atleast have  a reason to celeberate when petrol is @ 100/Rs Litre.... yes my ass will be fried with the collateral price rise of other commodities and I will be thinking of shifting my commute to a bicycle but yes i will atleast have a reason to cheer............Yeah.........

But OOooops  i think i got too ambitious yet again ...betting is  illegal in India .....government will not earn a penny out of what i make  so they will not allow me also to make my cut. Government definetley does not think of my welfare but wants a cut from my welfare...........Hi does it not sound like a Mafia in operation........ .....they will make a cut when you bleed and they will make a cut in your creed(faith, belief)  for making a cut is their only deed.....

Friday, July 12, 2013

JUSTICE- 1984 Sikh Riots


India is a country so progressive that it has set a trend of redefining everything........The latest addition is JUSTICE....Today Mr Jagdish Tytler was  officially booked by Delhi police for alleged involvement in the 1984 Sikh riots..........Wow almost 29 years for the police to put the case together......This is JUSTICE India way ......MIND IT....................

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Currency

In this era of changing loyalties ...Individuality is the only currency one can encash.............whether it is politics, entertainment, sports or even the falling rupee........Individuality is the way forward......Trust yourself and take that leap of faith...........The supreme faith......FAITH in yourself.....