Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rupee @60 Petrol heading for a Century....

Ooops..... I(Goverment ) did it again!!!!!!!
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
I am not that innocent!!!

So the Petrol prices will rise for the Nth time in the last couple of years.........this time the hike is 1.55 Rs....... and the spiral effect will raise all the other prices in the economic system......and yet again the goverment will walk away from the collateral damage......

I remember good old days when i was in my 10th class and THE petrol used to cost a humble 32 Rs/litre.....and today it has scaled the heights of  Rs 77.73/Litre Petrol is constantly north bound and breaching new grounds ....almost every fortnight......and our goverment is also having its usual more than fare share in the price.....with the international market and our goverment policies doing the jugalbandi i see this partnership going long way.....and i soon expect Petrol to score a century......Yes in paying that forbidden price my pockets will run dry but this time i have made up my mind to have some fun and make money out of this misery......

It is a matter of time before Petrol scores a ton the question is when.... So  I am going to officially invite bids to bet on when will Petrol become a centurion ......Going by the analogy that house always wins i will atleast have  a reason to celeberate when petrol is @ 100/Rs Litre.... yes my ass will be fried with the collateral price rise of other commodities and I will be thinking of shifting my commute to a bicycle but yes i will atleast have a reason to cheer............Yeah.........

But OOooops  i think i got too ambitious yet again ...betting is  illegal in India .....government will not earn a penny out of what i make  so they will not allow me also to make my cut. Government definetley does not think of my welfare but wants a cut from my welfare...........Hi does it not sound like a Mafia in operation........ .....they will make a cut when you bleed and they will make a cut in your creed(faith, belief)  for making a cut is their only deed.....

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