Monday, July 29, 2013

Chidambaram Diagnosed of #BFITM !!!

To  put one foot into your mouth itself is a difficult task  but i just witnessed a pair of feet shoved into his mouth......Truly magical.....

So we have already  heard about the new mental illness plaguing our politicians called FITM (Foot In The Mouth) Disorder....but we are sorry to inform you that .....the disease has already assumed alarming proportions and evolved  a new strand called BFITM.-Both Feet In The Mouth Disorder......

This is  a variation of FITM disorder where a person develops overconfidence alongside the core illness....Sadly so Mr Chidambaram is the first one to be diagnosed of BFITM...when he announced

 " Ours is an industry Friendly Government and you will see that we are even more friendly when we return in 2014."

Early signs of BFITM
  • Patient makes tall claims which sound absolutely impossible to achieve.
  • Patient thinks that he is fooling the society but will be able to get away from it.
  • Patients develops a unique art of concealing the truth.
***If any of you find such a person in your viccinity kindly report it to Phone number 000 such people need immediate medical care and can only be completely cured by the power of your right to  vote. So please go out and exercise your right to vote and cure our society suffering from this illness.

Note: ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST for  a better tommorrow.

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