Wednesday, August 14, 2013

An Illusion called Democracy......

Democracy is a form of governance By the people , Of the people, For the people. But going by the current state of affairs do we really live in a democracy.......Do we????

Democracy is a kind of a decorated package deal where it is said  we have freedom of speech, we have social equality all around us, we really go out and manage to elect representatives who truly understand us and represent us  (Yes we Do vote right!).....we have some basic rights we are born with (Education included).........etc... etc

If the answers to any of  the above questions is YES...Then  i insist to pinch yourself and do a reality check.....we leave in a dream world and democracy is  a distant mirage.......the one you might keep chasing but will never manage to reach.......

We live in a country where you can speak your mind but then you have to be ready for consequences it can range anything from Police inquiry( Brutality) to a bunch of cronies thrashing you....As we all know #Aditi resataurant owner was voicing opinion of a common man by printing message on his bills....and his restaurant was shut the youth congress... Basically speak what you want but at your own risk......Freedom of expression gone for a six out of the park......

We have the right to vote....... which is a corner stone of the whole idea of democracy but ask yourself how many times have you really gone out to vote????........(Don't lie you just have to answer yourself)

The problem of investing  your faith in an  individual or a Political party who can represent your thoughts is really two pronged one of them is of course that  a good 35% of us at any given point don't exercise our  right to vote ( Reasons for not voting are many and we can address it separately) and second of course is the choice of electives we have....Perhaps a bunch of thugs at best ........ Infact today the word  politics itself has assumed such demeaning proportions that it has almost become a slang  ,  the so called good citizen refrains himself/herself from getting into this filth.......And this itself sinks the ship of Democracy.....

Democracy means social equality.......Really??? Look around we are still blinded by castes, religions, social status and the genius that we are .........we keep inventing new analogies to further create divisons amongst ourselves  ........ofcourse the  scavangers amongst us  understand the benefits of this and are prey upon us  to take advantage of this situation and in turn truly take advantage of our so called democracy and reap the benefits  by beholding the power to represent you.........

And thus creating a democratized  version of a master illusion called  as  Democracy......and hence redefining democracy as follows...

Democracy is a form of governance

OF the People( Born out of misery of the people)
B(U)Y the people( Yes people are commodity in this governance where they are bought and sold)
FOR the people (For the benefit of fewer and fewer  people)

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