Monday, August 26, 2013

Loop holes of the Food Security Bill.....

Food security Bill is like driving a Ferrari on Pot holed road.........As a result of this their will be increased maintenance in the car, reduced mileage,  transportation time will  increase and you will have no insurance cover..........And at the end of few trips we will conclude that Ferrari is a Baokwas Car.........

Yes Food security Bill is common man's Ferrari....we simply do not have the infrastructure  to implement this ambitious Food Security  plan.....and even as we talk thousands of tonnes of food grains get wasted every month due to lack of storage.....

 Public distribution system or the lack of it which will be amalgamated under Food security Bill......will worsen the the food grains will be sold separately by the corrupt bureaucracy  before it reaches the end consumer and .hence the poor man will remain poor and hungry  malnourished as ever....

Burden on Common man
Currently government spends  close to 75000 crore rupees every year in name of  food subsidies.....but after the Food security bill the amount will go upto 1,45,000 Crore Rupees.......Where do you think so the government will get this extra money....this will be added burdern to the already overburdened tax payer.....and you will see rise in direct and indirect taxes.....and sooner than later our economy is set to step into ICU.

Food scarcity and Food price rise

82 crore people will be covered under Food Security Bill.....hence under a minimum price guarantee government will have to buy food grains in heavy quantities at high prices and sell it at Rs 1,2 and 3 rupees kg  ...Food security bill thus also create an artificial demand supply mismatch...and thus open  market prices of  food grains will sky rocket (i do not even feel the need to explain who and how will the artificial price rise come into play)needless to say the old pals of high prices like black marketing will give this good company...Again we the people will bear the brunt of this doing....

But all these findings are of no use...the common man has been treated like a donkey for 67 years now and we will continue  to bear the burden  with a smile........we regret but then we forgive and forget,  we raise our voices and then  mute ourselves in the hope of a better tomorrow.......

But  the question here  is not really whether a new tommorrow will come or not .....but whether such a thing called better tommorrow exists ?????........

If you ask me better tommorrow exists....but for that you have to work towards it today......

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