Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rupee, Petrol or Onion who will reach Rs 100 mark first......

#Faking News

The economy is in shambles, the stock markets have nose dived in the past couple of days , Rupee has breached 64 Rs mark... Petrol is inching to Rs 80 while common man's companion on the food plate ...onion is also trading around Rs 80/kg...... chaos is all around us but  for a change for  the first time one of the men in power has chosen to rise from the ashes.......our dear Finance Minister........

We all know that the liquidity is drying up in the system and new ways to raise money in the system are hard to come by ...but just when we thought that we are going to engulf in complete darkness our genius finance minister has come with a in genius that will raise money for the government and also help you make a few bucks out of speculation.....Yes it is true you can also make some money from this arrangement...

The debate has been heating up amongst the masses that who will breach the Rs 100  mark first will it be Petrol, will it be the Rupee or will it be our humble Onion .....So riding on this public debate our finance ministry has announced an open betting platform...........Yes they will start taking in bets on what is your opinion in this race to Rs 100....... a right bet by you can allow you to win 10 times your bidding amount and who knows you can even become a millionaire out of this...... the bids open today and every citizen is free to log on to the new portal to or

So what are you waiting for guys just log in and start winning.........till date government has only taken monies from you this is the first time that you have a chance to win some do you have it in you to be the next Pappu......

SPOILER ALERT:  In the race to Rs 100.........between Rupee, Petrol and the onion.......Pound sterling of UK has just breached the 100 Rs mark  yesterday....

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