Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sri Sri Param Pujya Dharam Dhurandhar Rahul Gandhiji !!!

Today Sri Sri  Param Pujya Dharam Dhurandhar Rahul Gandhiji ......the 10th wonder of our modern world yet again gave testimony of his superior intellect ........He chose to share his revelation  with the common man at a  meeting in Allahbad and he said....

"Poverty is just a state of mind. It does not mean the scarcity of food, money or material things. If one possesses self-confidence, then one can overcome poverty."

Wow it almost sounds like a quote from Bhagvat Gita...Dhanya hai prabhu aaap.... his  words of wisdom  are not mere words  but a way of life exquisite  philosophy also popularly called as PAPPUisms  which deserves place amongst the most respected thinkers of our times like Digvijay Singh....Chidambaram and of course the ever eloquent Manmohan Singh ...

Coming back to his words.....Yes some nerds on twitter felt these words to be arrogant  and demeaning but they seem to be the lower mammals of our  earth. ........and that is why  for the common good we have decided to analyse the text or the mool mantra given today by Param  Pujya Rahul ji for then mango people...(Aam Aadmi)

Poverty is a state of Mind- And we have numbed your mind so much that the realization may never dawn upon you  the common man.

It is not scarcity of food-  Because we are in midst of  passing the  Food Security bill .... and we need to be on the same page with the HAND....

Money.....because we have contributed so much in devaluing the rupee that no matter how much you have with you it will never be enough for you.

Material Things - Dhatt Pagle this world is an illusion why do you want to indulge in materialistic things ....leave those things for me...

If one posses self-Confidence- now look at the beautiful use of the word this sentence....master stroke .....

Then on can overcome Poverty-We have always told you  the world is an illusion keep building castles in the air...

Such depth of thought such great understanding of the world...such intellect  and that to at such a tender age........wah wah  we feel blessed to be born in your times... ..and i just hope that more and more people are able to understand the true meaning of your preachings....

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